
Posts Tagged ‘Project Server 2013’

An error occurred. You cannot edit the team at this time

December 19, 2013 Leave a comment

The full text of this message is:

“An error occurred.

You cannot edit the team at this time. Verify that Project is still connected to the server and try again”


We have a training environment set up in the office, running on a separate sub-domain. This means that we can access the training environment easily enough using the training machines, but we need to connect via remote desktop from our own laptops, whether we are working in the office or from home. I was working from home yesterday, connected to the training environment using remote desktop connection.

I could open Microsoft Project Professional 2013, create tasks, link them, save, publish and close the project, all with no problems at all. However, as soon as I tried to build a team of resources the above message appeared. I tried to search on the web for it but with no luck.

In the office today I raised it with our support team, who were able to come up with a solution:

Create another connection to the Project Server from Microsoft Project Professional.

So using my original account, TCPS, I get the message as shown above.

However, by adding another account, using exactly the same details;


It works perfectly:


It is then possible to remove the first account, that was causing the problems, and to change the properties of the second account. For example, deleting TCPS, then renaming TCPS2 to TCPS.

Project Server Business Intelligence Miscellanea

September 4, 2013 1 comment


Some miscellaneous thoughts and findings while exploring the business intelligence functionality of Project Server 2013

Excel 2013

In Excel 2010 it was possible to format a series in a chart separately from the other series to create a mixed column and line chart. This option to format each series separately has been removed from Excel 2013. However, it is still possible to replicate this effect by changing the whole chart type to Combo.

To change to a Combo chart type:

  1. Select your chart
  2. Click on the Design tab and then click on the Change Chart Type button


  3. This will open the Chart Types dialogue box. At the bottom of the list of options on the left hand side, click on Combo to select it.


  4. For each series in the chart, use the drop down lists to specify the chart type to use.
  5. Check the box on the right to display a secondary axis (for example if there is a big difference between the values for different series).
  6. Click OK



Creating Reports that use different data sources

I would like to create a report, using excel services that shows top level information about projects within selected programmes. To that end I create a report using the OlapPortfolioAnalyzer template and slice Baseline Work, Actual Work and Remaining Work by Programme and Project. I have also added slicers to enable me to filter by Year and Quarter if required. This works fine.



I can also create a data connection using oData to connect to the Project Web App database directly and pull back data related to calculated project fields, such as RAG indicators. I can add a slice to this to also filter by Programme.


There is a slicer in each case that enables the user to filter by the project level custom field: Programme.

However, presumably because one set of data comes from the OLAP cube and one set comes from oData I have not been able to find a way to link them together, so that both charts can be updated using the same slicer.

I need to investigate whether I can combine the data sources using PowerPivot.

Project Server Plus–a new offering from CPS

January 18, 2013 1 comment

The company I work for, CPS, has launched a new product: “Project Server Plus”.

This is a new, low cost, preconfigured solution designed to get an organisation up and running with Project Server as quickly as possible.

The structured, user friendly platform quickly drives greater project visibility, improves efficiency and enhances reporting.

For a low initial investment an organisation gets a short engagement that will result in an environment that provides a fully configured project server environment.

For more information please visit