
Posts Tagged ‘CPS’

Changing the image used in EPTs

A question that arises quite regularly on the Project Server configuration courses, is:

Is it possible to change the icon used for the Enterprise Project Types?

These icons are the ones that appear next to the name of each EPT on the New button in Project Center.


The out of the box EPTs have the following image URL:


The folder that stores these images may be accessed by connecting to the server itself, by remote desktop connection, and then navigating to the following address:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\INC\PWA\IMAGES

This folder contains a number of images, three of which begin with the word “Center”:


It is therefore possible to copy one of these images, rename it and edit the image, using something like Paint.


The new image can then be used for existing and new EPTs.

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