
Posts Tagged ‘ATC’

A Day For Photography

April 10, 2015 Leave a comment

Friday morning was spent taking photographs. When I cycled down to the station on Wednesday, to head to Shrewsbury for the plant identification course, I was struck by how fantastic Parson’s Pleasure looked in the misty dawn. So, I decided that, as long as the weather was fairly similar I would have a go at photographing it. Friday it was similar but the conditions were not the same. I still managed a couple of good images though:



From Parson’s Pleasure I then cycled through Oxford looking for other shots. I ended up on the bottom of Port Meadow where I took this one:



By this time it was about 7.30, so I cycled home for some coffee while I reviewed my efforts so far.

I headed out again about 9.45, this time to Christ Church College, where the bands of the Air Training Corps were due to play, along with some guests.



The cadets were absolutely fantastic. The Royal Marines were pretty good as well.

All of my images are on my Flickr site. Please let me know if you would like any.