Home > Oxfordshire Way, Walks > Oxfordshire Way Circular Route 4

Oxfordshire Way Circular Route 4

Start / Finish: Christmas Common Grid: SU 709 935

Distance: 14.6km

Trailzilla Map

Our fourth outing on the Oxfordshire Way starts from the same place as the last one, the car park at Christmas Common. And, in line with my self inflicted guidelines we walk some of the previous circular route but in the other direction and we do not walk any of the previous section of the Oxfordshire Way.

Coming out of the car park turn right and walk up the road to the junction where we left the Oxfordshire Way on the last outing. At the junction turn left towards the M40 and Stokenchurch. The Oxfordshire Way is signposted to the left and follows the right hand side of a hedge, that at first is full of holly trees. The path angles across the field and descends into some woods to join a bridleway. The bridleway continues to descend and comes out of the woods next to a cattery, where it joins a tarmac road.

Follow this tarmac road to the main road, the B4009. Cross the road and continue along the tarmac road towards Pyrton. On the right a row of evergreen Holm oaks (Quercus ilex) mark the edge of a large estate, possibly Shirburn Castle. The Oxfordshire Way follows the tarmac road into the attractive village of Pyrton. Follow the road through the village until the Way is signposted off the road to the right, by a large barn.

This is where we leave the Oxfordshire Way for this leg. To return to the car at Christmas Common face away from the barns, there are two possible routes, a bridleway to the right and a footpath that is signposted into someone’s driveway. This is the correct route. Cross the drive and climb over the stile into a narrow path that runs along the back of some gardens.

The path emerges from the confines of the narrow tree lined track into an open area, with a rough track running from left to right. Angle to the right and cross the track to head to the corner of a field. Cross into the field and head to the right, following the ridge of high ground to the corner of the field, where a gate leads into another field.

A large field stretches out to your right, the woods are behind your right shoulder while to the left heavily pollarded willows line a small stream. Follow this stream, and the willows, until you come to the small village of Cuxham, and emerge onto the road, with a commercial plant nursery to your left. Turn right and follow the road into the village. Passing the pub on the right, turn left towards the church as the road begins to bend round to the right. It will be interesting to know if the pub is still running as it was closed and up for sale when we were there although there were a few signs around that the village was trying to rally round and keep it open.

Walk up the farm lane, with the small church on the left and turn right when you reach the tree line. Follow the fence and tree line round to the right as it contours around the hill and above the fish ponds at the back of Manor farm. After 700m the footpath joins a green lane that cuts deep into the landscape. This is Turners Green Lane, joining the two villages of Bightwell Baldwin to the North and Britwell Salome to the South. Just before the two meet we found a lovely sunny spot that was sheltered from the wind and proved to be an ideal place to have lunch.

Turn left on to the green land and follow it down into Britwell Salome. On reaching the road turn left and follow the road downhill until it levels out and turns sharp left. Caution should be taken here as the road is narrow and darkened by a woody tunnel on the corner. After the sharp corner, and not before it, turn right onto Shakespeare’s way and follow it up hill. It starts as a muddy track and then becomes a narrow muddy path encompassed by trees, as it climbs gradually until it meets the Ridgeway.

Here turn left and head North East, to come, after about 1km to the junction we left last time to head up to Dame Alice Farm. This time cross into the field on the right and follow the permissive path back to the minor road. Turn right briefly and then turn left into the private drive, but public footpath, and angle left again to head up hill back to the car park. This is the same hill that we started down on the last circular walk, and while some elements may seem similar there will be others that look completely different when viewed going uphill compared to downhill, particularly if there has been some while since the last walk was completed as the changing of the seasons will have had a considerable impact.

Categories: Oxfordshire Way, Walks
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