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Excellent Customer Service

How about this for excellent customer service?

A couple of years ago I purchased a Deoche jacket and matching trousers, made by Sherpa, from Bradshaw Taylor through the Mountain Professional discount scheme that they offer to members of Mountain Training UK. I used the jacket during a DofE practice expedition in Berkshire in February but it was too warm. I then used both the jacket and trousers in the snow in Scotland and they were fantastic. They kept me warm and dry and protected from the wind. Over the last year or so the jacket became my “go to” jacket.

Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago one of the zip pulls came off and, try as I might, I could not get it back on. I contacted Sherpa and they forwarded my message on to Bradshaw Taylor with a request that I send the jacket back and they would look at the problem. I finally got round to posting the jacket back to them on Monday morning of this week – 22nd December, three days before Christmas.

I got home today (Wednesday 24th December) to find that a parcel had been delivered to me. Inside was a new Lobutse jacket.

Well done Sherpa and Bradshaw Taylor.

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