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Rediscovering photography

Having bought a DSLR for Denise for Christmas I decided that I wanted one as well. So recently I purchased one for myself. That meant getting a new bag for the camera and a bag for the spare lens. Luckily two of the lenses that worked with my old F60 still work with my new camera, so I didn’t have to spend money on a new lens – although I did spend more money on the new body, and it looks like I may spend a bit more on a new macro lens.

I have also been reading up on techniques and seeking some inspiration. One  of the books I am reading at the moment listed the following photographers as sources of inspiration, so I thought I would take a look:

  • Edward Weston
    Curving lines and landscapes that I quite like
  • Paul Strand
    Lots of Harsh shadows that didn’t really do it for me
  • Paul Caponigro
    Some interesting shots, some of which I quite like. But why is this one worth $10,000?
  • Andreas Feininger
  • Dennis Stock
    A variety of different types of photo, most of which I like – for a number of different reasons.
  • William Garnett
  • Freeman Patterson
  • and of course Ansel Adams. I’ve long been a fan of Ansel Adams. The mountains, the trees and the clouds, and the flowing lines between them. Love it. I just wish I could take photos that good.
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