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The Next Long Distance Path

We are finally coming to the end of the D’Arcy Dalton Way. Its only taken us about four years and the final eight miles or so may take us until the end of this year to complete. But I am already contemplating the next Long Distance Path. We are spoilt for choice in terms of paths and options.

Coast to Coast

We could aim to walk from one side of the country to another. Again there are a number of ways we could do this:

South Coast to North Wales

  1. South Downs Way
  2. Thames Path
  3. Cotswold Way
  4. Offa’s Dyke

North Sea to North Wales

  1. Peddar’s Way
  2. Icknield Way
  3. Ridgeway (already completed)
  4. Wessex Ridgeway
  5. South West Coast Path
  6. Offa’s Dyke

Loops from home

We could just do an out and back route from Oxford:

  1. Oxfordshire Way
  2. Cotswold Way
  3. Thames Path

Further Afield

But why stick to the south of England?

There a any number of challenge walks in North Wales, the Lake District and Scotland

And I’ve just seen that some of these routes form part of European routes, such as E2, that will extend from Galway to Nice, a total of 3030miles!

Categories: Walking, Walks Tags:
  1. Denise
    June 10, 2012 at 10:57

    You’ve forgotten tyhe cather way in france and the more local Roman way.

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