Home > ML, Walking, Walks > Dartmoor Contd – Saturday

Dartmoor Contd – Saturday

Saturday morning we had a bit of lie in, getting up slowly and having breakfast of coffee, muffin and hot cross bun, while the DofE group that had arrived during the night got their act together and headed out. We didn’t have to rush out anywhere as the walk we had planned for the day started from the campsite. Once we were ready we headed up the track from the campsite and on to Dartmoor via the Nodden Gate.

We turned North and followed the track as it skirted to the west side of Great Nodden. We stayed on the track and watched the various DofE groups climb to the top of Great Nodden, some of them stopping for a rest on the windswept summit, while a more sensible group stopped just short of the summit, probably in a slightly more sheltered position. Not sure why they were stopping at all really, after all they had only come about 2km from the camp site.

Leaving them to it we pressed on, making good time along the easy to follow track and taking in the stunning views around us.
DSCF3370 Looking back down the track behind us, with Great Nodden on the right.

Looking forward to Sourton Tor.

As we reached the end of the obvious track we continued across the slope to pick up the footpath that led to Sourton Tor. Once there we climbed to the top of the Tor to take in the stunning views all around us.
DSCF6225 Me on Sourton Tor.

We didn’t hang around however, but pressed on, crossing the saddle between Sourton Tor and Corn Ridge and working our way up the steep grassy slope to the summit of Corn Ridge. We picked our way through the tussocks of grass and around the boggy areas as we skirted the head of Lyd before aiming for Woodcock Hill and Hunt Tor.

We paused at Hunt Tor for a Granola bar and a chunk of chocolate, sheltered  by the rocks. Then it was on to Great Links Tor, crossing the track as it passed through a cutting. We played around the rocks for a bit, D taking a photo of me at the trig point and then it was on towards Brat Tor and Widgery Cross.

Me on Great Links Tor


Looking back to Great Links Tor


Approaching Brat Tor and Widgery Cross


We climbed onto the Tor hoping to find an explanation for the presence of a cross up here, but there was nothing. Except for stunning views of Dartmoor fading into the horizon to the east and the lowlands of Devon to the west.

From Widgery Cross we descended and followed the bridleway to the stream, which we crossed using the stepping stones (me) and the foot bridge (D).

Still just within open access land we followed the footpath on the Western edge of the stream back up to Nodden gate and from there back to the campsite.

Just over the five hour mark, so should count as a QMD. All the photos from this walk can be found on my Flickr page.

Categories: ML, Walking, Walks
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  1. May 12, 2012 at 19:16

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