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An American Adventure – 2002

I’ve been going through some old data CDs this afternoon and came across an account of our holiday to the West Coast of the USA in 2002. I thought I would post it here for posterity. (I will try to edit it a bit and include some photos from the Flickr account).

Thursday 12th Sept LHR – LA

We were supposed to take off at 12:00. We finally got off the ground at 2:45 due to concerns over a small bump in the external cargo bay doors. Described as something you might get from a shopping trolley. The flight itself was absolutely fantastic with great views, especially towards the end. Saw the Hollywood sign as we came into land – the only time I would get to see if for the whole holiday.

Found it was quite easy to get out of the airport. Found the right bus to take us to the hire car area. Got the car OK, apart from the large Canadian guy in the queue behind us who kept going on about how great trucks are, how he never drove anything else, and how much he hated Japanese and German cars – because the hood opens the wrong way. Slight panic when we got to our car since the boot was only just big enough to get our case in.

We found our hotel easily enough. Fortunately there was a Mexican restaurant right next door so it was in there and then back to the hotel for an early night.

Friday 13th Sept LA – Monterey

Up early this morning – partly due to jet lag but also because we wanted to get a good start. Got onto the freeway easy enough and ran straight into LA rush hour traffic. Crawled through the traffic for a while, getting used to driving in America again. Made it onto Highway 1 and started to make better progress. Whats the point of having a convertible if you aren’t going to put the top down? Besides we were in LA and we know from the TV that it is always hot in LA. Wrong! We had put the hood down but after a few miles outside of LA we had to stop and put it up again as we were so cold. After a while the fog began to lift and we tried again with the hood down, but it was still a bit chilly.

We made it to San Louis Obispo, where we had planned to spend a night, much earlier than we expected we would. Slightly disappointed by the place we pushed on towards Monterey. Terrific views along Highway 1, which is a very narrow, windy road. We had a terrifying encounter with a huge artic lorry as we approached one bend. There were mere inches between the rock face and the car and between the car and the rear wheels of the lorry. I had to stop the car and calm down a bit before I could continue, but this gave us a chance to view the wonderful scenery.

Saturday 14th Sept Monterey

Monterey aquarium was absolutely fantastic. We spent ages watching tem feed the sea otters. Saw a sea otter in the wild from the aquarium terrace. The jelly fish exhibit was great. That night had dinner in Fisherman’s wharf. I had clam chowder in a sourdough bun, while Denise had spaghetti bolognese. Saw sealions swimming around the fishing boats in the bay. I bought a new leather hat – a real Indiana Jones look alike and a silver sea otter for Denise.

Sunday 15th Sept Monterey – San Francisco

Very different drive up Highway 1 from Friday. Still fantastic views but now with great bqeaches as well. We stopped several times to take photographs of rollers breaking onto the beach. The sea mist was mostly off shire but sometimes the land, which resembeled Nova Scotia in some places.

Driving into San Francisco it looked like any other American town. However, as we reached the top of the hill and passed a gap in the houses we saw the whole of the city laid out before us, with the downtown area in the distance. The tower blocks and sky scrapers towering above everything else. Stressful drive around the narrow, one way, steep streets of SF looking for a hotel. Finally decided on a Days Inn. We had lunch at a little roadside cafe and then walked down to Unin Square and the financial district. On to Chinatown, where we came across a street party. They were celebrating the 53rd anniversaty of the creation of the People’s Republic of China. We fought our way through the crowds and went onto Coit Tower with its fantastic 360 degree views of SF. Finally went down to Fisherman’s Wharf and wondered round a few shops and went to see the sea lions. We took the cable car back to the hotel.. What a wild ride, hanging off the side of the cable car getting our legs knocked by huge rubber bollards. The cable cars pass so close to each other that you need to keep your arms and legs well in. The same applies when passing parked cars that have their doors open.

Had dinner at a Vietnames restaurant. We wre the only non orientals in there. Denise started with 3 egg rolls, while I had chicken soup. Then we shared rice wraps of beef sausage and shrimp and squid fondue. The latter two were served raw and I had to cook them myself in vinegar. Haagen Das ice cream for desert.

Monday 16th Sept San Francisco

Spent the day following a 49 mile scenic drive around SF. Absolutely fantastic scenery. The route took us round the Presidio and Golden Gate Oark, financial district, Chinatown, the Marina. We saw the Gaolden Gate bridge from various angles. walked round Golden Gate park to Prayer book Cross. Couldn’t find the Dough Boy though. The route went in and out of built up areas and park land. The journey included climbing to the top of Twin Peaks for astonishing views across the whole city. Came across an incident in the Presidio with loads of SFFD trucks. As we left one of them came up behind us – it sounded like his siren was broken. We were taken up and down several big hills, just like the movies and the Ford Puma adverts with Steve McQueen.

Tuesday 17th Sept SF – Oakhurst

Left the Days Inn on Geary and Larkin to try to find the narrow windy street (as seen on all the films). Drove round the Presidio for a bit but couldn’t find <u>the</u> street, although we did find other windy streets. Also found Divisadero Street, which I’m sure is where Interview with a Vampire was supposed to have been based. Got back on track and headed across the Golden Gate bridge. They only have toll s south bound, so we didn’t have to pay anything. On reaching the far side we headed round the bay and over the Richmond St Raphael Bridge. this was very weird as our carriageway was under the other one. It was very high and higher than the Golden Gate bridge -or at least felt like it.

Denise did a great job of navigating us around the richmond area and out on I4 towards Stockton. Then on to Oakdale, where we stoppped for lunch and Petrol. Most bizarre gas station I’ve ever seen. they didn’t take credit cards and had to pre pay with travellers cheque. Headed on towards Oakhurst. The roads got narrower and steeper as the landscape became hilly.Tremendous scenery of valleys and lakes. I managed to scare Denise several times as her side of the car got very close to the edge. Made it to Oakhurst and checked into the Quality Inn. Most impressive hotel so far. HHuge lobby, great room and swimming pool tucked away in woods on the side of a mountain. We had a few minutes of panic when Denise thought she had lost her driving licence. Dinner started quite strained but we relaxed when Denise found the driving licence in her wallett.

Wednesday 18th Sept – Yosemite

Since Denise had found her driving licence she wanted to drive today. So Denise drove from Oakhurst to Wawona in Yosemite, where we stopped for ice cream. Wonderful hotel and golf course at Wawona. I did the rest of the driving for today. Spent the whole day in Yosemite. Started at Glacier Point. Absolutely fabulous views of YosemiteWords and photographs can’t do justice to the magnificaent splendour of the valley. As we drove round the valley we stopped at various vista points. We walked up to Bridal Veil Falls. Since it is late summer there is only a trickle coming down the mountain. The scattered rocks show the full width of the river in fulll flow. Back to Yosemite tomorrow as we head for Tioga pass and on to Bishop.

Thursday 19th Sept Yosemite – Tioga – Bishop

Left Oakhurst this morning and drove back into Yosemite Valley, via Fish Camp to post the post cards. From Yosemite Valley we drove onto 120 to Tioga Pass. Stunning views all the way. Tioga Pass was tremendous, yet another tremendous view into the valley (see the photos of the miner’s hut on the side of the mountain). At the end of Tioga we joined route 395 toward Bishop. the road down into Bishop was again tremendous, sloping steeply down as the valley opened out in front of us.

Driving through the Tioga pass we could see patches of Ice in the top of themountains. We checked into the Best Western in Bishop. I had a very quick dip in the pool. Despite the very hot weather the pool was freezing cold. So we showered and went for dinner at Denny’s. This was probably the best tand cheapest dinner we had had so far. Tomorrow we are off to Lone Pine via the Bristle Cone Pine Forest.

(NB So far used six out of the eight films I bought with me).

20120429 – Film? Crikey that must have been before we all had digital cameras! 🙂

Friday 20th Sept Bishop – Lone Pine

We were planning on spending time at the Bristle Cone Grove, so we drove up there – very, very narrow roads through the “lets head them off at the pass” gap – only wide enough for one vehicle. We decided not to walk around the grove and head on to Lone Pine via Oasis, Scotty’s Junction and Beatty. We almost stpped for lunch at the Cottontail Ranch until Denise saw the Brothel sign! We filled up with gas at Beatty – a place where time has stood still – and headed into Death Valley. Saying that it was hot isn’t enough. Driving along at 65mph the breeze was hot. Once again tremendous scenery. Got to Lone Pine at about 4.30pm. Relaxed by the pool (Best Western) before going off to the Totem Cafe for dinner. Lone Pine is the Western Film capital, most of John Wayne’s films were shot around there

Saturday 21st Sept Lone Pine – Las Vegas

Left Lone Pine bright and early and headed back into Death Valley. Went past Stove Pipe Wells and stopped briefly to photograph the sand dunes. On to Furnace Creek to pay our fee and boost sugar levels with Ice Creams. Turned off main road to look at Zabriskie point – amazign views of volcanic landscape. After that we took a detour down 20 mule team canyon. It was liek an alien landscape. Completely bizarre. Left Death Valley behind to drive to Las Vegas via Pahrump.

Best Wester Full but managed to get a room at Blair Suite Apartments. Amazing apartment with separate bedroom, two TVs, cooker and Freezer. Spent the evening going up and down “the strip”, dodging the guys handing out cards for call girls. Made it to Excalibur to book show for Tuesday night and room for Monday and Tuesday.

Managed to catch the show outside Treasure Island on the way back to the hotel. Finally got to bed at around 1am

Sunday 22nd Sept Las Vegas – St George

Denise woke me at the ungodly hour of 8am and we set off for St George (~150miles). It was a good trip and we arrived at 11.30, althought the local clocks showed 12.30 – we had crossed a time zone! We booked a room at the hotel and left St George for the Grand Canyon (another 150 miles). After all the scenery we had seen so far it is impossible to describe the views of the Grand Canyon. I went to take a photo and my bateries failed! Managed to buy some more in the gift shop and took loads of photos. Drove back to St George via dinner in Hurricane. Total distance today 450miles.

Monday 23rd Sept St George – Las Vegas

Easy drive back to Las Vegas and booked into the Excalibur. Spent most of the day by the pool, drinking Margheuritas and eating huge ham and cheese sandwiches. Was a big kid and went on the pool slides, hired some floating mattresses and lazed in the pool. Spent the night exploring various hotels down the Strip: Luxor, Madelay Bay, Paris, Flamingo, Ballys, Bellagio

Tuesday 24th Sept Hoover Dam

Drove out to the Hoover Dam. Absolutely fantastic, huge and dramatic. And very hot! On the way to hotel went to Las Vegas Hilton for the Star Trek Experience. I had my photo taken in the Captain’s chair on the bridge. Brilliant ride in shuttle craft through space and over the Las Vegas skyline – being chased by a Klingon Bird of Prey.

In the evening we went to the Tounament of Kings. We were supporting the Dragon King. Despite the knitted chain mail, sound effects when fighting and the slightly dodgy story line.

Wednesday 25th Sept Las Vegas – Los Angeles

Very very hot dry desert.

Drove through the smoke of the forest fire.

Found hotel on Pico in Santa Monica. Dinner of beer and pizza in room

Thursday 26th Sept Los Angeles

Relaxed day driving up Santa Monica Boulevard, Rodea Drive, Beverly Hills. Walked up Hollywood Boulevard to Chines Theatre. Drove down to Santa Monica beach (Muscle beach). Itried and failed on the rings and parallel bars but did manage to climb the rope. Denise blanaced on the beam (just). Drove down to Venice beach and had coffee at a very nice restaraunt C&O.

Returned to C&O for dinner. Wonderful garlic bread followed by  spaghetti with spicy sausage and cappucino. Excellent food. Valet parking meant we didn’t have to worry about finding a space. Back to the hotel for a few beers in front of the TV at the Travel Lodge.

Friday 27th Sept Los Angeles – Heathrow

Had a nice lie in and leisurely breakfast prior to checking our. Took a gentle drive through Santa Monica, Venice and Marina del Rey before finally getting to the Budget Car Hire. Return of the car took mere moments and as soon as we boarded the courtesy bus we were off to Departures. No check in available when we arrived so we went to the next terminal for Pizza, drinks and a few games of nine mens morris.

Finally able to check in and go through security. I set off the alarm and was manually checked over – right down to having to take off my boots and having them X rayed.

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