
Archive for March, 2012

A day of firsts

March 11, 2012 Leave a comment

Well it finally happened today. After thinking that I had got it all sussed and that it wasn’t going to happen to me, even though everyone else said that everyone has that first fall, I finally lent the wrong way when unclipping from my SPDs and fell over. Not at all embarrassed by the fact that it happened while I was stopped at a traffic light at the front of of a line of cars and next to D. No, not at all.

On a lighter note, this was the start of the furthest that I have ever cycled, round about 40miles. From Oxford out to Bampton and back. Epic! A glorious sunny day, fantastic scenery, great cake and coffee at Aston Pottery.

One more first today, topping 30mph on the road bike coming down Cumnor Hill. That felt jolly fast.

The route for the ride today can be found here. Here I am trying to look like a proper cyclist.

Stats for the ride:

Average speed: 13.7mph

Max speed: 30.5mph

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