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Old Blog 2009-01-16

It is 6.13 in the morning and once again I am stood on the platform at Oxford station listening to the seconds tick by. This morning though I feel more positive than I did yesterday. I watched my colleague present material and I know I can do it as well. There are certainly some issues but they are more to do with preparation, handover and management of expectations.

After work last night I met up with an ex colleague and we had a couple pints before going for a pizza. We had a great time exchanging walking stories.

Having said yesterday that I don’t like travelling backwards; I don’t have a choice this morning.

Today is a chance for me to see our star sales person in action at a seminar. Its taking place at one of the London offices of Microsoft and is an opportunity for us to showcase our offerings – including MOSS.

I will am developing MOSS training courses at the moment. Part of the course is me presenting MOSS in a wider context and trying to explain what it is and what it can do. Following feedback from last week’s pilot it was suggested I attend the seminar today to see how our star salesperson presents it.


Maybe previous train journeys into London were unusual. There are not that many on the train today, nor were there yesterday. It filled up a bit at Didcot and Reading but no one sat next to me. No one was standing either, so it wasn’t a case of people not wanting to sit next to the bearded weirdo!


After a pleasant train journey in to London I am now on the train journey from hell on the way home. At least one train to oxford has been cancelled and no trains are running at all between Didcot and Oxford. So here we are, crammed on to a train to Swansea, hoping to change at Didcot and get a bus. There are about 15 of us stood up by the doors, all trying to ignore each other despite continually bumping against each other as we phone and text our partners / parents / children.


How many other people besides me have got their weekends off to a less than brilliant start? Given that fares have gone up in January and that it cost me £51 today to travel to London, I wonder what the chances of a refund are?

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