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What’s the point?

We were at a birthday party on Saturday night, for a friend of Denise’s. (Its going to be one of those years – everyone that me and Denise were at school with will be 40 this year). Anyway, just before we left I was talking to two of the other guys there and the conversation turned to blogs. Barry and Ken both commented that they didn’t really see the point of blogs but surely they would have to be really interesting to keep enticing people back to read them.
I explained that the majority of blogs I read are work related – there are loads of people out there who are much more knowledgeable about SharePoint and Project that I am – and that I read these blogs to learn about work related matters. I also explained that occasionally I will post a technical blog to ensure that I understand a topic (the best way to ensure one understands something is to have to explain it to someone else – in really simple steps). Hopefully one or two of these posts may be of some use to other people looking for help on Office, Project and SharePoint.
Then there are my posts about walking. These are probably less frequent now that I post all the details of our walks on my walking web site.
And finally, there are my occasionaly rants, raves and deep musings that I decide to share with the world at large. Does anyone read them? I don’t really care to be honest. If you do read them then I hope they may make you think. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me and I don’t expect to be right all the time (although being right more often than not would be good).
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