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At a party recently, yep I still get the odd invite to parties, an American acquintance of ours asked why we go out for walks. It seemed apparent that she just didn’t understand what we see in it. So, for her, and anyone else, here are some of the reasons why I enjoy walking:
First off, its good exercise. A couple of hours strolling around the countryside, with the extra effort of a reasonable sized back pack and a few hills to get the heart pumping should be good for the body.
Just getting outside into the fresh air is good as well – away from the stuffiness and air conditioned atmosphere we get at work.
Although most of my friends and colleagues call me a geek or a nerd, there are times when, believe it or not I think it is good to get away from computers, TVs, and mobile phones.
Its great to spend time with Denise without any interruptions.
Its a fantastic way to see the British countryside and the wildlife, and the flora – up close and on nature’s terms.
On top of all of that, even around Oxfordshire the scenery is stunning.
To have an objective is great. Currently we are walking the d’Arcy Dalton Way. Its something to aim for, but there is no rush. And when we do complete it there are plenty of other paths to choose from – even in the local area.
And just for a change, we are going up to the Lake District later in the year to climb some mountains and hopefully find some snow and ice to try out the crampons and ice axes on. Why? Because it is there!
Categories: Walks
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