Home > Walks > Darcy Dalton Way Part 1 / St Botolph Churches

Darcy Dalton Way Part 1 / St Botolph Churches

Last Saturday we started the Darcy Dalton Way (a 66 mile route from north of Banbury to Wayland’s Smithy), despite walking about 10 miles, we only managed cover 3 miles of the DDW.
In an attempt to complete the DDW in stages I am planning to do a number of circular walks that will each include part of the DDW. Our progress will be recorded on my website, in the dedicated DDW page. Details of the 10 mile circular walk from Cropredy can be found here.
While researching this first stage of our assault on the DDW, I found that the church in Farnborough is dedicated to St Botolph, the patron saint of travellers. Coincidentally we passed a St Botolph’s church when we did the Ridgeway. So I started wondering how many churches there are dedicated to St Botolph, and also, if St Christopher is also the patron saint of travellers where St Botolph comes into it.
Doing a web search forSt Botolph revealed about 44,000 pages. Fortunately, one of these pages was from someone else interested in tracking down other churches dedicated to St Botolph. So another walking objective might be to visit all the churches dedicated to St Botolph.
For more information about St Botolph:

Information on St Christopher can be found:

Whereas St Christopher is alleged to have carried Jesus across a river, churches dedicated to St Botulph were built

Categories: Walks
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  1. August 22, 2012 at 22:51

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