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14% Pay Rise

14% Pay Rise

No, not me unfortunately, but the Shell tanker drivers. This pay rise means that they will be earning on average, £41,000 a year.

Now, as I understand it, an HGV driver is only allowed, by law, to work for a certain number of hours each day. Once that limit is reached they have to stop and rest for another set amount of time, before they can start driving again.

The company I work for may, on occasion, expect me to work long hours; doctors, nurses, police officers etc, all routinely work longer than their contracted hours.

Did they get a 14% pay rise this year? No

Do the majority of them earn over £40,000 per year? No

OK, so doctors might, but they spent over 7 years at university followed by goodness knows how many years working long hours to get where they are today. Lorry drivers – mmm, I could get an HGV licence in a week. Well I could if the DVLA would let a diabetic drive an HGV.

Give me an HGV licence and I will drive the tankers for £35k per year!

Outraged? No of course not!

Too bloody right!

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