Home > General Musings and Rants > Acoustic Music Festival of Great Britain

Acoustic Music Festival of Great Britain

Well, we are back from the festival, feeling less like ageing hippies and more like wind swept reluctant penguins (huddling in the middle of a crowd, packed in front of a music stage, unwilling to do our turn on the outside).
Despite the wind and the clouds we only had a couple of showers on Sunday, rather than the torrential downpours that were forecast. Shame there wasn’t more sunshine, but hey ho!
This weekend was great. We got up and close with a number of bands and I listed to some music that I wouldn’t normally listen to, and, perhaps as importantly, we spent the whole weekend doing nothing but listening to music and drinking the odd pint of beer.
Highlights of the weekend:
Band from County Hell
Glen Tilbrook
Whitesnake (well Bernie Marsden and Neil Murray),
Ed 10 Pole Tudor
Karen Nash (see her My Space site here)
Ade Payne
Fairport Convention
Jethro Tull
cheshire Chord
Tiny Tin Lady
Midge Ure
Unfortunately we had to come home earlier today, as I am starting with CPS tomorrow, so we didn’t get to see Bad Company, The Animals or Dixie Hicks.
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