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An Absolute Disgrace

Gurkhas Refused Residency

While the current governent appear to welcome all comers from across Europe and further afield, they are refusing residency to a number of ex Gurkhas who served fro many years in our Army. Having sworn an oath on the Union Jack to serve the Queen and the UK, they left their family and friends in Nepal and joined the British Army. For many years they put their lives on the line and earned a huge amount of respect from the British public and other regiments in the Army.
Now, having served their time some of them have decided that they would like to settle in this country. Instead they are being threatened with deportation back to Nepal.
The full story is on the BBC News web site.
Edit 20080930
It would seem that the government has finally come to its senses – thanks to a ruling in the courts. According to the BBC, the Gurkhas will be allowed to settle in this country.
Categories: News and politics
  1. Diane
    April 12, 2008 at 20:15

    hi carl popped in for a visit see how you are and hope you have a nice weekend
    love and hugs to you Diane xx

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