
Morning Rant

I am in the process of completing a questionnaire as suggested by Alison (see the link on the right for her blog).

In the meantime though, a quick rant about something that annoys me. I suppose you can generalise this into "people who put themselves in danger and thereby put other people in danger". The example this morning: some young muppet on a sports motorbike who obviously wanted to get in the back of the van – he was so close. He may have been wearing a helmet but apart from that it was sneakers, torn jeans and a casual jacket. No leathers and no gloves.
Having been out with an A&E nurse and having a number of friends who are bikers I know how dangerous this can be. This guy would suffer some serious degloving injuries if he came off – which is quite likely if the vehicle in front stops suddenly and he is right on the back bumper!

Why are these people a danger to other people? If he comes off his bike on a corner – he and bike slide off the road and into a wood – on a steep slope. Ambulance and fire crews are going to have to put their own lives on the line to get him out of there.

</rant mode off – time to get back to work>

  1. no one special
    March 5, 2008 at 15:11

    Or kids who are riding their bikes in the road, people who insist on driving while on their mobiles, people who spit on the sidewalk, people who let their dogs poo anywhere & don\’t clean it up…rant over!  🙂

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