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Walking Holiday

Walking the Ridgeway

Me and Matilda have decided to walk the Ridgeway as part of our holiday this year.
We were planning to go abroad somewhere but a check of the finances showed that may be a bit of a problem. So we decided to walk the Ridgeway. Why? Well eight years ago we were planning to spend a week walking the Ridgeway and had even started going out on a Saturday for long practice walks. But then my (our) life was temporarily turned upside down when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.
Now I have the diabetes under control we thought we would give it another go.

Just to be different

Most of the guides we have found talk about starting at Overton Hill, near Marlborough, Wilts and finishing at Ivinghoe Beacon, near Tring. However, we are going the other way – starting at Ivinghoe and finishing in Avebury. This will enable us to walk away from the urban sprawl and hopefully see the expanse of the vale of the white horse and, eventually, Salisbury Plain, opening up before us.


So we are starting with some day long walks around the Oxford area.


Categories: Walks
  1. no one special
    February 19, 2008 at 09:11

    sounds like fun…how did it go?

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